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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Atlanta: Last Day (#6)

First off, sorry for not posting for a while. I have been highly distracted. But I do want to let you know that I will be posting a lot more often again. I have some great posts planned, and I think you're gonna like them. Also, happy 2018!The last day in Atlanta was actually happy for me. I will admit that I had missed some of my friends, and definitely was excited to see them again. Not much happened on that day, so I'll keep it short.

I woke up late (I think? It's been a while), so we went out to eat at this place called The Flying Biscuit, I think. Basically, the food is great. I got biscuits, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. It was delicious, and if you visit Atlanta, I recommend you visit it at least once because the food is so great.

After that, we returned home where my mom started packing our stuff. I didn't play on my Xbox One much that day, due to the fact that I had to pack it up.

When that was done it was mostly just a bunch of waiting around for us to go. I worked a lot on a project that sadly, is not finished yet. I can't wait to share it with you guys, though. Finally, it was time to leave for the airport.

On the way there I snapped a lot of photos of Atlanta. Maybe I'll post those later... but that's off topic. As you can guess, after that we just flew home. The next day I went to school.

I'm sorry for how boring this one was. I also realize this was extremely rushed, but I just decided I may as well just in case you wanted to know what happened.

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