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Saturday, December 23, 2017

A new computer!!!

Because of a personal situation (I assume you can figure it out), I had to celebrate Christmas early cause I have to celebrate early. This morning, 12/23/17, we each got to open up a present. My brother got an Xbox One S (future review coming up!) and I got a Chromebook. though I would have preferred a gaming laptop with Windows 10, I thought it was cool enough that I should write about it.
Chromebook 3 11.6” (32GB Storage, 4GB RAM)
A picture of my computer. Photo from Samsung

The model name is Samsung Chromebook 3 11.6". It has 32Gbs of storage and 4GBs of RAM. Much to my disappointment, it has an Intel Celeron for a CPU. Luckily, it's small enough that I can type good AND fit it in my backpack. I love the design and the OS. The only downside to Chrome OS is that it lacks apps, unlike Windows 10. Other than that, I absolutely love it. I can easily blog on the go, which I'm actually doing as I write this. The screen is admittedly small, but it's big enough to watch stuff, I guess. It also has plenty of storage, which sounds weird cause it only has 32GBs. Fun Fact: You probably won't download much, so you'll be fine.

In terms of software, even though earlier I said it doesn't have many apps, I guess that's a lie. You can visit the Google Play Store and can download plenty of apps. To be fair though about what I said earlier, most of the REALLY good apps aren't on here/available for Chrome OS.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on my new computer, and for listening to my story!

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