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Sunday, December 24, 2017

How I nearly got banned from my computer at school..

Image result for no computers allowed
No Computer Sign. Photo from Instickate

Computers at my school are pretty much the best thing we have. Oh, how I love typing compared to writing on paper. I would do anything to do it again. But here's how I nearly got banned.

I was writing a quiz (yes, we did that) with my group members. As a few of you might know, I like hidden text. For some reason, people were making a fake copyright at the bottom. I decided "Oh, this is a perfect place to hide something hilarious!".

I thought about my favorite memes (apart from wow). I decided on Hot Food, which gave birth to the meme "Noice". I was typing the script from my memory on to a little note section hidden in the copyright. My group members tried to delete it, however. I decided to let them and moved on to another video by Michael Rosen. There was a section that said do not take credit or else. I removed the period and put "or else we'll hang you in the school prison where the rats will nibble your toenails. I understand I probably shouldn't have done that, but it was something else other than myself I was mad at.

My other friends probably would have told me to delete it, but there's this one kid in my class who's practically the class pet. He told the teacher. I said, "ok, let's go up to the teacher's desk.". He ratted me out! And he didn't stop there. He was supposedly part of the group of friends I was in. I had also been listening to Music in class, so when my teacher saw that she was surprised. He was like "Macklemore? He shouldn't be doing that.". He was hovering over my computer, and telling the teacher I was doing bad things. I got so mad in fact, that I nearly ratted out my friends who had also been listening to music.

After that, all the 5th graders (my class is a 4th-5h split) had to stay in. Everyone huddled in the back of the room, obviously scared. She told us we all have to make a computer pledge. At recess, two of my friends and I walked up to him and told him that wasn't a very good thing to do to your friend.

When we went inside he was crying uncontrollably. He should have treated his friends better. I'm still considering our friendship. what do you think about it? Leave a comment on your opinion on this.

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