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Monday, December 25, 2017

Pax: Gaming Convention

Have you heard of the gaming convention, Pax? If not, I'm here to talk about it. Pax is one of the biggest gaming conventions in the USA. There also happens to be one in the same state as I live in, so I decided to talk about it.
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Pax Logo. Photo from Twitter

Pax has a few locations: Pax West (Seattle, WA), Pax East (Boston, MA), and Pax South (San Antonio, TX). There are also two more: One in Australia, and one in Philadelphia, PA called Pax Unplugged. 

Locations aside, let's move on to what you can do there.Take note that this is all from online because I haven't been there, yet. There's the Exhibit Hall, with people like AAA publishers, Tech Developers, and Game Developers. This place is definitely worth checking out, I think.

Naturally, in a gaming convention, there has gotta be a tournament. Here you can have tournaments with people in almost any genre or device (Xbox, computer, etc.). I'm not sure if I would personally go to that section, but for some of you, it might be worth checking out.

Lastly, there's the Diversity Lounge. There you can play and experience plenty of consoles. There are so many other sections that I didn't explore yet though, including VR Freeplay, Performances, Console Freeplay, and Pax Arena, to name a few.

Thank you for reading my examination of Pax. If you're going there or have already been there, leave a comment. See you in another article!

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