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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Chapter 1 of my new book!

Hello readers. I have been working on a new story called PokeSchool: The Ancient Pokemon. I decided to release Chapter 1 for you guys. It's down below!

Chapter 1

“Tom, wake up!” my mom shouted. “You’re late!”
I knew enough right there. With one glance at my alarm clock, I realized my mistake: It was set to PM, not AM! I sighed, then realized if I didn’t get ready now, then I would surely be late. My mom wished me farewell, then rushed out the door, for she was late too.
Frantically, I scurried around the house. I quickly put on the clothes I had set out to wear for today: A black shirt with a red and white Pokeball in the middle. I also put on my dark blue jeans. In the next two minutes, I moved to my next destination: the bathroom. My bladder felt about ready to burst. I dashed out the bedroom, down the hall to my left, and then right. As I neared the doorway, I hit the side. Stunned, I bounced back to the ground, where I sat with my now red hand over my cut. My head felt like it’d explode any second. It throbbed, as blood oozed out of the gash. I stood up again and stepped into the bathroom.
My vision was blurry and moved side to side like someone was playing with my eyes. I was greeted with a bloody face, which seemed to almost dye my messy brown hair a dark crimson color. The two-inch wide cut didn’t seem to want to stop pumping out blood. I fumbled around in the cabinets until I found the emergency kit. I dabbed a bit of alcohol on my forehead, like my mom always did, then covered it with a band-aid. Once done with this, I did my business and agreed my cut looked well taken care of.
Finally, I moved to the last point, the kitchen. I went to the left, where the kitchen was. Quickly, I swung open the fridge door and snatched a jug of milk. I plopped it down on the table, along with some Honey Nut Cheerios. I poured the milk on my pants by accident, due to my blurry vision. I spat angry words which would have made my mom mad, (which I also regretted doing) and then quickly ate my cereal.
After 15 minutes, I was ready to go. I eyed my watch and frowned. I was 5 minutes late. I rushed out the door, finally ready to go.
My house was gray, with a small front yard. Today was not a nice day, though. The sky was a  nasty gray color, and there was lots of fog. It smelled wet, as it had rained last night, which also turned my front yard to mud. As I rushed to the sidewalk, I was splashed with wet mud. The bottom of my shoes was brown as chocolate when they should have been white. As I ran, they splashed mud on my jeans too. ‘As if my day couldn’t get any worse..’ I thought.
Up ahead, I could see the small, yellow bus. The red stop sign protruded from the side as if expressing my feelings. I dashed down the sidewalk, racing to make it to the bus. At the end, I could see a few kids noticing me. They pointed and laughed, then tried to board the bus extra fast. The cold  September air slapped my face, leaving my cheeks red. Finally, the last few kids got ready to board. I sped up as much extra as I could with my running shoes. “WAIT!” I called out with the little breathe I could spare.
By the time I made it to the bus stop, I could see the bus rolling off. Some of the kids were staring out the back, making faces and pointing. A few tears ran down my cheek. I was so mad. I could never understand why other kids were so mean. My mom was already driving to work, so I had no one to take me there. My anger got the best of me, and I kicked the nearest thing, or in this case a person.
“Ouch!”  said a girl about my age, clutching her shin with both hands. “Why did you do that?”
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, blushing. I looked down at my shoes in embarrassment, only just realizing how dirty I looked. The girl let go of her shin and looked at me oddly.
“Were you.. crying?” she asked.
“Uh... NO!” I replied. There was an awkward moment of silence as we both looked away from each other, both too embarrassed to talk. “I’m really sorry for kicking you,” I said, breaking the silence. “I was just mad. Not that I meant to kick you specifically, of course.” I stood there, in my muddy jeans, blushing a lot, turning my skin color from white to red.
“It’s ok,” she replied. “My name’s Eve.”
“My name’s Tom.”
I looked at her, and finally noticed how she looked. She was wearing a turquoise jacket, and had jeans (that weren’t muddy), along with green eyes. They shined in the sunlight. Her dark brown hair was in a ponytail. But then I realized I had been staring for too long, and broke the silence. “Uh, so how do we get to school?” I asked. Instantly, her eyes lit up, and she formed a smile.
“We’ll walk,” Eve said.
“But it’s so far away!”
“Don’t worry, I know a shortcut.”
Thank you for reading. Expect Chapter 2 later next week!

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