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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Atlanta: Day #3

Hello readers. Note: This one is pretty short because not much happened today/ on that day. Hope you enjoy it anyways!I woke up quite late, around 11:30 I think. Downstairs breakfast was ready so I went down to it, which was waffles, bacon, and Vitamin Water. It was the same as the day before (not counting the Vitamin Water)! I called Fisher, and I got on Fortnite. When he had to log off around 40 minutes later (he doesn't get to play much. It's sad.), I decided to invite David, my friend from school. For a while, I played with him and two other people. I was interrupted to go eat, however. I got some Chich-Fil-A and went home. Instead of continuing to play, I played with my friend Damon on my Nintendo Switch. He invited Joel and Rylan to play some MK8, and then I played Fortnite one last time with David (only a few minutes ago as of writing this). It wasn't a very interesting day but was still fun for me. Don't worry though. My uncle says he has some fun stuff planned for the 4th day!

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