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Friday, December 29, 2017

Atlanta: Day #4

As I stated in the previous article, something really cool happened on the 4th. If you're looking for something really interesting and fun, check this out. I ate some cheerios with blueberries for breakfast and then had some passion fruit to top it off. I played a lot of video games, mostly Fortnite, with Fisher and some other people. I also ended up playing a little bit of MK8, but I stopped after a while.

However, the evening was very exciting. Guess what my Uncle got us tickets for? Indoor Skydiving at iFLY!
Image result for iFLY
iFLY logo. Photo from iFLY UK.
Once we arrived we got some bracelets stamped. Then we entered the main part. There was a large glass tube plopped down in the middle of it. SUrrounding it were chairs, and on the right side of the circle-like room was a counter with helmets, suits, and goggles. Inside the glass tube was an "Aerial Performance", as they call it. The person was doing insane flips and flying up to the ceiling of the tube. It was extremely impressive, and despite looking easy to at least float around, it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, it was insanely fun, but we couldn't do anything compared to them.

After lots of waiting, we entered this classroom where they played a short video teaching us the proper position and the hand signals (since we couldn't talk in the tube). Once done with that, we left the room and finally geared up. We all looked really cool, and I easily looked like a Mini Astronaut or something.

Finally, let's move on to the experience inside. To be honest, it was pretty embarrassing. I have a tendency to always want to be first, so when our instructor asked us who wanted to be first, I was the first to answer. When I entered the tube, he kept telling me to straighten my legs. I didn't understand. My legs felt completely straight. In reality, from watching the TV afterward, I realized I was not even close. He ended up pulling me out and asking me what the hand signal meant, thinking I didn't know. I hopped back in and did slightly better.

On the second turn, however, we got to go to the top. Not only were my legs much, much straighter, but I also didn't even have to float around too much. Instead, he held on to me and carried me to the top, while somehow managing to do a 360. It was amazing, but as you can imagine also slightly scary.

When we finished, we got some certificates and a code to see our pictures/videos (I'll upload those when I get them). It was really fun, and I recommend you visit an iFLY near you. I heard there are quite a few.

Anyways, thank you for reading this, and see you in another post!

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